One of the conditions that greatly affects comfort levels within the home is humidity. When humidity levels are not properly controlled, the result is more than just discomfort. Very humid air in the home can lead to difficulty in breathing and additional complications for those who have breathing complications such as asthma.
It is, therefore, important for you to understand how to control humidity levels within the home. Your air conditioning and cooling unit plays an important part in humidity control. Here's how.
Understanding humidity
In general terms, humidity is a measure of the level of water (often in the form of water vapor) in the air at any given time. For example, if a humidity reading shows 58%, this means that 58% of the air is currently filled with water.
When there is too much water in the air, getting clean air to breathe can be challenging. In addition, our bodies don't get to release heat and sweat freely because the air is already saturated with water. This is the primary reason why we tend to feel hot and uncomfortable in high humidity conditions.
Humidity in the home
Humidity also applies to the air within our homes. High humidity in the home leads to the growth of bacteria, the prevalence of bad odors, and even damage to wooden floors due to warping. The high moisture in the air can also condense on walls and cause paint and wallpaper to come off.
Controlling humidity using your air conditioning unit
The ideal target for humidity in the home should be anywhere between 40-50%. If you notice higher levels of humidity, you can use your air conditioning unit to manage the situation.
During the day, run your air conditioner in rooms that have high humidity. Make sure you keep the windows closed. This will allow the unit to pump cool air inside the room and reduce the water content that is currently present. In addition, keeping the windows closed will prevent outside humid air from entering the home.
You can also combine your air conditioning with a dehumidifier. The dehumidifier works by removing water from the air and depositing it in a reservoir tank. When you pump cool air into the home and remove humid air, you will notice an increase in indoor air quality.
Controlling humidity by using your air conditioning unit will also result in significant energy savings. Most people tend to run their air conditioning for long periods without taking steps to control humidity. Unfortunately, this results in higher energy costs within the home.